children cartoon

children cartoon


 Wednesday 11th March

Definitions - learn 15 definitions based around the solar system and the order of the planets from the Sun.

Test next Monday 16th.

 Friday 6th March

Maths - Complete Unit 2 test 6 of your mental maths book by next Tuesday 10th.

Spellings - complete pages 46-47 of your spelling workbook and revise the first half of unit 12 words for test next Friday 13th.

Science - complete revision pack questions and then revise thoroughly, ready for your end of unit test on changing materials on Monday 9th.

Remember - the girls v boys battle on 'Rock-stars' finishes at 9am on Monday! 

Tuesday 3rd March

Definitions - learn 10 new science definitions, based on properties of materials, ready for test next Monday.

Why not practise on Quizlet? -

Friday 28th February

Spellings - Complete pages 44-45 of spelling workbook revise the SECOND half of Unit 11 words by next Friday.

Maths - 25 minutes of Times Table Rock-stars by Tuesday. Find link on home page :)

 Tuesday 25th February

Definitions - revise the words related to our work on fractions. Test next Monday 2nd.

English - 25 minutes of IXL English by Friday.

Recommendations -  F8-11 on adverbs and adjectives

Friday 7th February

Mental maths - complete Unit 2 Test 3 by next Tuesday

Spellings - Complete pages 40 - 41 of your spelling workbook and revise the SECOND half of Unit 10 words by next Friday.

***Everyone should know their lines for the play off by heart next week.

Thursday 6th February

Definitions - 10 science definitions to learn, based around our new science topic on 'Changing Materials'

Test on Tuesday 11th.

Wednesday 5th February

 During the last few weeks in ICT, we have been learning how to code.

All the children have now practised upto Level 5.

Now try to create your own app by next Friday 14th.
It does not need to be too complicated but should try and showcase what you have learnt in class.
Username - student72939
password - coding

 then click on 'Block coding' then 'Create' and finally 'Create app'

In order for me to see your finished app,it is extremely important that you save!

Press 'save to device' then put: first name, initial of surname and age, eg: Dan W 8. 

I look forward to seeing what you have created :)

Monday 3rd February

Practise your line(s) for the Year 4, 5 and 6 play happening next week.

Every-one should now have a script.

If you have a suitable costume available at home that could be worn please bring in ASAP

 We will be practising the script throughout the week so please remember to bring your scripts in each day!


Friday 31st January 

Spellings - First half of unit 10 words and complete pages 38-39 of the spelling workbook by next Friday

Thursday 30th January

 Mental Maths - complete Unit 2 Test 2 by next Tuesday.

Monday 27th January 

Definitions - revise second set of WW2 definitions (10 in total), ready for test next Monday.

IXL - complete 25 mins of English recommendations by this Friday.

Recommendations - E1, 2 and 3 on articles

Friday 24th January

Spellings - Second half of Unit 9 words and complete pages 36-37 of workbook by next Friday.

Remember you have a definitions test on capital cities on Monday.

Monday 20th January

IXL - Maths recommendations - D4-D7 on multiplication to revise what we have learnt in class. Complete 25 mins of this by Friday 24th.

Friday 17th January

Spellings - First half of Unit 9 words and complete pages 34-35 of workbook by next Friday

Thursday 16th January

Maths - complete test 12 of Mental Maths book. I expect this back by TUESDAY next week.

Tuesday 14th January

WW2 definitions - please learn the definitions of the 10 war related words by next Monday 20th.

Friday 10th January

Spellings - complete pages 32-33 of My Spelling Workbook and learn second half of Unit 8 words. Test next Friday 17th
Reminder for everyone to bring in their WW2 research homework by Monday please. We have had some very interesting facts from families/friends so far.

Wednesday 8th January

European countries (23 to learn): These are the ones I will be testing on Monday.

All children have also been given a list/map to help them revise.

Optional extension (45 countries):

Tuesday 7th January

New year = new battle - Year 5A v Year 5B!

Please do 20 minutes of practise tonight to get a good head start and then continue when possible.
The end date is next Tuesday 14th January.
Good luck!

Monday 6th January

Spellings - Please complete the first half of Unit 8 in your spelling workbook (pages 30-31) and revise the first half of these words by Friday, ready for our weekly test.

Holiday Homework

World War 2 Research Project - We have just began our History topic, all about life in World War 2.
During the holidays, many of you will be catching up with family and friends. If you have anyone that lived through the war, it would be great to speak to them and find out about their personal experiences and anecdotes (stories).
Perhaps you know someone who did not live through it but knew people that did and can relay these stories.
Please note your findings down to present to the rest of the class. These findings could be in the style of a poster, Power-point or maybe even a video, use your imagination.

Photographs and artefacts would be a great addition also.

I would like all research in by the Monday 13th January, which is the following Monday we arrive back after the holidays.