children cartoon

children cartoon

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Are you always reading the same genre of book?

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All the children are encouraged to read every day for at least 15/20 minutes and, when possible, read aloud to parents/guardians or older siblings and build on comprehension skills by asking and answering questions about the text.

I have noticed lots of children continually reading the same author or genre of books and/or books that are just not challenging them enough. While I'm happy that children have their favourite author/genre, it is SO important that you read a variety of books to expand your ideas and vocabulary, especially useful in our creative writing lessons.

Therefore, I have attached a link for recommended books for year 5 (you can also find lists for other years). There are links to purchase online or you can ask Fabby in the library. I will also purchase some for our class library.

Year 5 book recommendations

Let me know if you decide to try any of them :)

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