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children cartoon

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Wednesday 18th

Happy Wednesday!

Well done for completing your first day of home school yesterday.

Morning starter: 
  • Spellings practice of Unit 12 words and pages only. Please do not do more than this. 
  • Check you have finished your mental maths homework (Unit 2 Test 6) 
  • If finished, practise some TTRockstars OR IXL Maths or English for 20 minutes (choose from Year 5 sections)

English L. Q Can I improve my grammar, punctuation and spellings ?

Please complete Test 1 in your English books. This test does not need to be treated as a test but more like how you complete your mental maths. 

I have provided 3 levels for you to choose from:

  • Mild - Test 1 from level 2 book 
  • Medium - Test 2 from level 3 book (there is no test 1 available)
  • or Spicy - Test 1 from level 4 book

You do not have to complete them all but you may wish to if you want to really challenge yourself!

***Complete all English work NEATLY in your blank English book. Remember to always write the date then the LQ and always UNDERLINE both with a ruler before starting each task (just like at school!)


Maths - L.Q. Can I convert decimals into fractions and vice versa?

Watch this video to start -

Then complete work. I would like everyone to complete Mild questions and then, if you feel you can continue, please do Medium and maybe even Spicy (remember, these are tricky and not for everyone)

  • Mild -  Questions 1 - 4
  • Medium - Questions 5 - 9
  • Spicy - Decimals as fractions reasoning and problem solving activity

***Complete answers NEATLY in your blank Maths book. Remember to always write the date then the LQ and always UNDERLINE both with a ruler before starting each task (just like at school!)


Reading - Spend 30 minutes reading for pleasure.

Top tips:

  • Choose something that interests you and that provides suitable challenge
  • Read aloud to yourself, a parent, guardian or older sibling/family member 
  • Write down any unfamiliar words and find the definition(s) using a dictionary
  • Write questions regarding the section you have read that another reader could answer
  • Use Oxford Oxl to find lots of free online e-books. Follow this link: Oxford Owl books, click on 'My class login then enter class name 'msform5' and the password 'mougins'. Children know which stage they are on. 

Science - L.Q. Do I know who Galileo is? Do I understand why he is associated with the solar system?

Use these useful links to create a fact page/poster about Galileo Galilei and his association with the solar system. 

For example: Galileo developed the telescope to enable close observation of the night sky.

Try to write in your own words as much as possible, ensuring that what you are writing down is language you understand. 

Challenge (optional) - Write about other famous scientists associated to exploring the solar system also.

Here is a useful link to get you started:

***This work to be completed on a separate sheet OR in your English book. 


Sport - New Joe Wicks workout of the day -


Creative  - Play a game with your family. Maybe you could learn a new card game, play your favourite board game or maybe even try making a game up from scratch! 

I will upload/send answer sheets later this afternoon for those who are able/have time to mark their work. If not, I will mark once back at school. Good luck and hope you have a great day :)

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Tuesday 17th March work

Good morning Year 5b. Here goes!

Start your day with: 
  • Spellings practice of Unit 12 words and pages only. Please do not do more than this. 
  • Check you have finished your mental maths homework (Unit 2 Test 6) 
  • If finished, practise some TTRockstars OR IXL Maths or English for 20 minutes (choose from Year 5 sections)

English - L. Q Can I recognise and use possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives?

Complete work on pronouns

pronouns page 1     pronouns page 2

then complete...

'Jazz Harper - Space Explorer' comprehension activity

Jazz Harper questions     Jazz Harper text to read

Challenge - could you think of some more interesting questions to ask the reader about this extract?

Complete all English work NEATLY in your blank English book. Remember to always write the date then the LQ and always UNDERLINE both with a ruler before starting each task (just like at school!)


Maths - L.Q. Can I read and write decimal numbers and understand the value of each digit? Can I partition decimal numbers in different ways?

Watch this video to start -

The complete White Rose work - Decimals to 2 decimals places 

  • Mild - complete questions 1 to 5 
  • Medium - questions 6 to 9. 
  • Spicy challenge - Tuesday Maths challenge. Be careful - these will not be for everyone. 

Complete answers NEATLY in your blank Maths book. Remember to always write the date then the LQ and always UNDERLINE both with a ruler before starting each task (just like at school!)


Reading - Spend 30 minutes reading for pleasure.

Top tips:

  • Choose something that interests you and that provides suitable challenge
  • Read aloud to yourself, a parent, guardian or older sibling/family member 
  • Write down any unfamiliar words and find the definition(s) using a dictionary
  • Write questions regarding the section you have read that another reader could answer
  • Use Oxford Oxl to find lots of free online e-books. Follow this link: Oxford Owl books, click on 'My class login then enter class name 'msform5' and the password 'mougins'. Children know which stage they are on. 

Science - Complete definitions test SOLAR SYSTEM TEST


watch this video all about Space exploration

to learn more about life as an astronaut. We will be doing more work on this later this week.


Sport - Get inspired by Joe Wicks personal trainer -


Creative  - Collect items from around the garden/house and create a piece of land art. Use your imagination! Here is some inspiration to get you started - Land art ideas
Once finished, take a photo and send to teacher email. This may take a few days depending on what you are creating.
Challenge -try to give your creation a name and explain why and how you created your piece.

I will upload/send answer sheets later this afternoon. Good luck and hope you have a great day :)

Monday 16 March 2020

Hello everyone!

Hello Year 5B!

I hope you enjoyed your extra day off today :)

Tomorrow will be our official day 1 of home schooling.

Make sure to check this blog every morning from 8.30am to find all your allocated work for the day.

Here I have created a suggested daily timetable to help you manage your time throughout the day:

Suggested daily timetable for Year 5B

**Why not print this out and stick it somewhere visible (bedroom wall or kitchen fridge maybe).

9 - 9.30
Morning work. Choose between:
  • IXL Maths
  • IXL English 
  • TT Rock-stars (a 7 day battle has been set up with Form 3A from Wednesday)
  • Practise spellings from Spelling Workbook (Unit 12/13 pages ONLY!)
9.30 - 10.30 
Maths activities
10.30 - 11
Break time
11 - 12
English activities
12 - 12.30 
Reading for pleasure
12.30 - 2
Lunch time
2 – 2.40
Science activities
2.40 – 3
3 - 4 
Art/Creative time 

Learning in this way is a new and strange concept for all of us yet I hope that you will continue to stay motivated and enthusiastic towards learning each day and see this as a great opportunity to practise taking even more responsibility for your learning.

Please email me if you have any questions or queries. I will be available during normal school hours, Monday to Friday, and will try my best to get back to you as soon as possible. My email is

Miss Leach and Miss Petrequin

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Telling the time...

This week Year 5 will be having a big focus on telling the time. There are lots of children that are currently finding this difficult and therefore need to practise regularly at home. Those children who still need to practise have a sheet to help them that we completed in class (please complete if it isn't already finished!).

Here is also a game to help you:

I will be testing you again very soon.

Those who are confident with time should continue with Times Table Rock-stars or IXL Maths.

Tuesday 21 January 2020


The blog is being silly and won't let me put homework in the homework section today?!

So today's homework is to learn the 23 capital cities of the countries you located next week.

You should now all have the sheet to help you and here is the link to Quizlet to help you revise also:

The test will be next Monday 27th January.

Thursday 9 January 2020

Happy New Year and Thank You!

Dear parents,

Just wanted to say a big thank you for your generous gifts and cards before the holidays. It was really kind of you and was much appreciated and enjoyed.

Wishing you all a wonderful 2020

Best wishes,

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "thank you image"

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Unwanted CDs wanted!


If anyone has any old or unwanted CDs that you would be willing to donate to Year 5 for a Science experiment, please bring them in this week. It doesn't matter if they are scratched or damaged and we will not be using them for computer purposes, only as a building material.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cd disk"

Thank you very much in advance :)