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children cartoon

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Tuesday 17th March work

Good morning Year 5b. Here goes!

Start your day with: 
  • Spellings practice of Unit 12 words and pages only. Please do not do more than this. 
  • Check you have finished your mental maths homework (Unit 2 Test 6) 
  • If finished, practise some TTRockstars OR IXL Maths or English for 20 minutes (choose from Year 5 sections)

English - L. Q Can I recognise and use possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives?

Complete work on pronouns

pronouns page 1     pronouns page 2

then complete...

'Jazz Harper - Space Explorer' comprehension activity

Jazz Harper questions     Jazz Harper text to read

Challenge - could you think of some more interesting questions to ask the reader about this extract?

Complete all English work NEATLY in your blank English book. Remember to always write the date then the LQ and always UNDERLINE both with a ruler before starting each task (just like at school!)


Maths - L.Q. Can I read and write decimal numbers and understand the value of each digit? Can I partition decimal numbers in different ways?

Watch this video to start -

The complete White Rose work - Decimals to 2 decimals places 

  • Mild - complete questions 1 to 5 
  • Medium - questions 6 to 9. 
  • Spicy challenge - Tuesday Maths challenge. Be careful - these will not be for everyone. 

Complete answers NEATLY in your blank Maths book. Remember to always write the date then the LQ and always UNDERLINE both with a ruler before starting each task (just like at school!)


Reading - Spend 30 minutes reading for pleasure.

Top tips:

  • Choose something that interests you and that provides suitable challenge
  • Read aloud to yourself, a parent, guardian or older sibling/family member 
  • Write down any unfamiliar words and find the definition(s) using a dictionary
  • Write questions regarding the section you have read that another reader could answer
  • Use Oxford Oxl to find lots of free online e-books. Follow this link: Oxford Owl books, click on 'My class login then enter class name 'msform5' and the password 'mougins'. Children know which stage they are on. 

Science - Complete definitions test SOLAR SYSTEM TEST


watch this video all about Space exploration

to learn more about life as an astronaut. We will be doing more work on this later this week.


Sport - Get inspired by Joe Wicks personal trainer -


Creative  - Collect items from around the garden/house and create a piece of land art. Use your imagination! Here is some inspiration to get you started - Land art ideas
Once finished, take a photo and send to teacher email. This may take a few days depending on what you are creating.
Challenge -try to give your creation a name and explain why and how you created your piece.

I will upload/send answer sheets later this afternoon. Good luck and hope you have a great day :)

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