children cartoon

children cartoon

Monday 16 March 2020

Hello everyone!

Hello Year 5B!

I hope you enjoyed your extra day off today :)

Tomorrow will be our official day 1 of home schooling.

Make sure to check this blog every morning from 8.30am to find all your allocated work for the day.

Here I have created a suggested daily timetable to help you manage your time throughout the day:

Suggested daily timetable for Year 5B

**Why not print this out and stick it somewhere visible (bedroom wall or kitchen fridge maybe).

9 - 9.30
Morning work. Choose between:
  • IXL Maths
  • IXL English 
  • TT Rock-stars (a 7 day battle has been set up with Form 3A from Wednesday)
  • Practise spellings from Spelling Workbook (Unit 12/13 pages ONLY!)
9.30 - 10.30 
Maths activities
10.30 - 11
Break time
11 - 12
English activities
12 - 12.30 
Reading for pleasure
12.30 - 2
Lunch time
2 – 2.40
Science activities
2.40 – 3
3 - 4 
Art/Creative time 

Learning in this way is a new and strange concept for all of us yet I hope that you will continue to stay motivated and enthusiastic towards learning each day and see this as a great opportunity to practise taking even more responsibility for your learning.

Please email me if you have any questions or queries. I will be available during normal school hours, Monday to Friday, and will try my best to get back to you as soon as possible. My email is

Miss Leach and Miss Petrequin

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